A Guardia di Finanza patrol boat seizes the NGO ship Sea Watch, which has been halted for two days off Lampedusa, Italy, 19 May 2019. So far, two migrants have descended from the "Sea Watch 3" vessel which is located less than one km from the port of Lampedusa (Ag). The patrol boats of the finance guard and the harbor master's office are always close to the NGO boat. A disabled person and a pregnant woman would come down from the ship. ANSA/Elio Desiderio

ROMA, 26 GIU – “Ho deciso di entrare in porto a Lampedusa. So cosa rischio ma i 42 naufraghi a bordo sono allo stremo. Li porto in salvo”. Così la comandante della Sea Watch, Carola Rackete. In 14 giorni, lamenta la ong, “nessuna soluzione politica e giuridica è stata possibile, l’Europa ci ha abbandonati. La nostra Comandante non ha scelta”.

Notizia Ansa Sicilia


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